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Dr A Sampson

BM BS (University of Nottingham 1999) MRCGP MRCEM BMedSci DFSRH DOccMed PGCert(ClinEd)

Dr Sampson is originally from Northamptonshire, and having qualified in 1999, worked in hospitals in the East Midlands, Sydney and Cornwall. He completed his training as a GP in 2009 in Penzance and moved to Gloucestershire in 2010. He has interests in occupational and musculoskeletal medicine, immunisations and urgent care. Dr Sampson loves cooking and spending time in the great outdoors. He is married and has two young boys. Dr Sampson consults at the surgery on four days of the week.

Dr T Herbert

MBChB (University of Bristol 2009) MRCGP

Dr Herbert joined the surgery in 2015 after completing his general practice training in Oxfordshire. He has particular interests in care for those with learning disabilities as well as dermatology and men’s health. He is also our lead for research. This involves working with our research nurse and looking at involving the practice and its population in medical research. Dr Herbert is a GP trainer. This means he is responsible for the supervision and education of doctors during their training to become a GP. Dr Herbert consults at the surgery on four days of the week.

Dr T Malins

MB ChB (University of Leicester 2007) MRCGP

Dr Malins is originally from Herefordshire. He trained in Leicester and graduated in 2007. Following this, he did his house jobs in Leicester and Northamptonshire before going to work in New Zealand, where he gained more experience of emergency medicine in Christchurch and Nelson. He returned to train as a GP in Gloucestershire, which he completed in 2015. After a spell of working in Cornwall, he returned to Gloucestershire to settle with his young family. Dr Malins is particularly interested in lifestyle medicine and metabolic health and is lead for Your Health Revolution – a Metabolic Health project for Severn Health Primary Care Network. He also has interests in musculoskeletal medicine and performs steroid injections as well as minor procedures. Outside of work, Dr Malins enjoys time spent outdoors especially on a mountain bike or running. Dr Malins consults at the surgery three days of the week.

Dr C Kingswood

BM BS (University of Nottingham 2011) MRCGP BSc BMedSci

Dr Kingswood’s first degree was in biochemistry and genetics but she went on to study medicine at Nottingham University. After graduating as one of our GP trainees in 2020, she joined the partnership in 2022. Special interests of hers include women’s health, paediatrics, psychiatry and dementia care. She is our menopause lead and has championed the development of a dementia MDT model for the Stroud & Berkley Vale locality. Out of work, she enjoys baking and has a young family. Dr Kingswood consults at the surgery three days of the week.

 Dr A Morris

MB ChB (University of Bristol 2008) MRCGP

Dr Morris was born and grew up in Warwickshire before moving to Bristol for her medical training. After qualification she spent a number of years training in hospital medicine at Bath and Swindon hospitals before completing GP training in the Swindon patch in 2017. Her interests include care of the elderly and lifestyle medicine. She is married with two small children and, in her spare time, Dr Morris can usually be found going for walks, reading or baking. Dr Morris consults at the surgery four days of the week.

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Named GP

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 22 January 2025