Feedback and complaints

We are continually looking to turn patient feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.


There may be occasions when you would simply like to comment on our services or suggest ways to improve. To let us know your comments, you can:

Complaints and concerns

We recognise that we may not always get things right. If you have concerns or complaints, it is important to let us know as soon as possible so we can address them. The sooner you tell us, the quicker we can work to find a solution.

You can let us know your concerns or complaints in the following ways:

Complaining on behalf of someone else

Complaints made on behalf of a patient by a third party require the consent of the patient, as we may need to discuss confidential patient information to resolve the issue.


All complaints must be treated in the strictest confidence.

Where the investigation of the complaint requires consideration of the patient’s medical records, the practice manager must inform the patient or person acting on his or her behalf if the investigation will involve disclosure of information contained in those records to a person other than the practice or an employee of the practice.

The surgery must keep a record of all complaints and copies of all correspondence relating to complaints but such records must be kept separate from the patient’s medical records.

The surgery has an annual review of complaints received within the year and the learning issues or changes to procedures which have arisen are documented.