Research Practice

Price’s Mill Surgery is registered as a research practice with the Research Delivery Network (RDN) – South West Central. This is one of the twelve regionally based RDN’s, that make up the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Primary Care Research Network of England. Price’s Mill Surgery is the Research Lead for the ‘Severn Health Research Collaboration’, which include two other GP’s practices in the Stroud District.

Why research?

We believe that conducting research not only generates vital new knowledge, but it can also be beneficial for patients, both now and in the future. By researching the causes, courses and treatment of diseases/health problems, the knowledge and understanding we gain, is likely to benefit all patients.

Research – Moving forward

Patients are at the centre of our research work. We ensure that the research we support is relevant to and benefits those who use primary care services. If you would like to find out more about the Primary Care Research Network, go to:

Research Projects

Price’s Mill surgery is currently participating in several research studies that cover conditions like, Diabetes, Dementia, Heart Failure, Shingles, Bi-polar disorder, Diarrhoea & vomiting, Respiratory conditions, Cancers, fractures, Cellulitis and many more.

From time to time, you may receive an invitation from us inviting you to participate in one of our research studies. Your participation is always appreciated, confidential and of course, voluntary.

In addition, every year, the NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN) asks thousands of research participants to share their experiences of taking part in research.

Through the Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES), the NIHR aims to put participant experience at the heart of research delivery – helping to improve the way research studies are designed and delivered, now and in the future.

At Price’s Mill Surgery, we strive to uphold a high standard of research and your feedback to the NIHR RDN is valuable so that we can maintain this high standard.