Travel Vaccinations

Vaccinations for foreign travel are given by the practice nurse. Please allow plenty of time to arrange your vaccinations as sometimes more than one appointment will be required to allow the different treatments to work. Patients are encouraged to contact us to make arrangements for their travel vaccinations 3 months before they travel. We may refuse to provide this service if requests are received less than eight weeks before you travel- if so, the receptionist will advise about alternative private travel clinics.

Please note that not all vaccinations are available free of charge through the NHS – ask the receptionist to confirm if there are any charges for the vaccination you require or refer to our fees for Non NHS Services. Please also note that we are not able to guarantee the availability of vaccines and will tell you during the consultation if you will need to source elsewhere.

We ask patients to complete a Travel Risk Assessment form to confirm the nature of their travel plans, so that we can ensure that you are provided with a vaccination plan that offers you the best possible protection.

A consultation with a practice nurse must be booked at the time of submitting the form. No advice will be provided without a travel consultation. This takes time to compile, as we will need to check the latest advice for the areas in which you plan to travel.

Patients can also access the NHS travel vaccination website to check any vaccinations required.

Further information about Travel Vaccinations can be found on the NHS Choices website.